Category Chair and Subcategory Chair Instructions

Instructions for Subcategory Chairs

General Abstract Deadline- April 12th 
General Abstract Review Deadline- May 3rd 
Late Breaking Abstract Deadline- June 14th
Late Breaking Review Deadline- July 1st


Log into the Category Chair Site
  1. Click the link here to go to the Category Chair Site. The Category Chair Site is the main hub to see all reviewers and completed reviews.
  2. Watch the “Subcategory Chairs Help Video”. Note: this video was made in 2023. You will see instructions on how to access the abstracts and reviews in your subcategory.
  3. Filter on your subcategory as shown in the video.  This will show you all the abstracts in your subcategory. Note: they will not be there until people submit abstracts. You will not be able to see them before abstracts close.


  1. It is your responsibility to recruit reviewers for your subcategory. Our goal is 300 reviewers, so each subcategory chair is encouraged to recruit 8 reviewers. Please select reviewers from your network as well as selecting those from the pool of volunteers that have signed up. Reviewers should be postdoctoral researchers or above – this ensures that the quality of the reviews is kept high.
  2. All reviewers need to sign up using the volunteer form link, which can be found here.
  3. This year we will do a rolling review. Volunteers signing up to review will indicate the months they are available to review (December -July) and will be assigned up to 15 reviews during that time period as abstracts are received. Reviewers will be asked to submit each review within a two week time frame.
  4. You will be given a reviewer report for your subcategory to see how many reviewers have volunteered. 
  5. Check to see if you have enough reviewers in your subcategory. Each abstract will be reviewed by 5 reviewers.  Reviewers should have between 1-15 abstracts. Ashley Wren will confirm the list of reviewers for your subcategory.
  6. If you do not have enough reviewers in your subcategory, please send an email to your category chair and Ashley Wren at

Re-categorizing Abstracts

    1. Reviewers are responsible for letting you, the Category Chair(s), or Ashley Wren know if an abstract needs to be recategorized. However, if you notice on the chair module that an abstract is in the wrong category, please email Ashley Wren and your Category Chair(s) with the ID number and the category and subcategory you recommend. The list of the categories/subcategories can be found here:

Abstracts are reviewed – December-July

  1. All reviewers will receive an email when they have been assigned an abstract to review. When they log into their profile home, they will see an access button for the reviewer report. The reviewer report will show the abstracts selected for them to review.
  2. Reviewers will judge the abstracts based on a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 and 2 signify top abstracts that have potential for an oral presentation and 5 signifies abstracts that should not be selected for WMIC. 
  3. All reviews will be shown in the category chair site.

Help stay on top of reviews: General abstract reviews occur December-May 3rd.

Suggest oral presentations and rejections based on reviews: May 3rd-May 10th.

We will contact you when all the reviews are final.

We will repeat the process for late breaking.

Timeline for Late Breaking : Abstract Deadline June 14th

  • Reviews – May 20th – Jul 1st
  • Suggestions for orals vs rejections – July 1st-July 8th

To learn more about Program Committee and Category and Subcategory Chair roles, click here.