Abstract submission for CMR 2024 is now closed.
Abstract acceptance
When abstracts are accepted for the CMR meeting, the participants are informed via email. Participation is limited to those having received notice of acceptance of their abstract. If an abstract is accepted for presentation, lodging, meals, and meeting expenses for the attendee will be covered by the Organizing Committee as far as funding permits. Attendees will be financially responsible for their own travel expenses to and from the meeting site. Attendees are expected to participate in the entire conference.
Abstract Instructions
Please submit your abstract through the abstract submission site. The abstract deadline has been extended to June 7th, 2024.
Each abstract should include the following (see example below):
- Title
- Author(s)
- Affiliation(s)
- Rationale and Objectives
- Methods and Materials
- Results
- Conclusions
- Image (optional)
- References (if applicable; max. 5)
- Financial Interest Statement
It is not guaranteed that illustrations will be included in the program book or publication.
Abstract Guidelines
1. Abstract title, authors, and affiliations should conform to the following format:
Title: Current concepts in the evaluation of immediate allergic reactions to contrast agents
Authors: P. Dewachter, D. Laroche, C. Mouton-Faivre, O. Clément
Affiliations: Service d’Anesthésie-Réanimation Chirurgicale, CHU, Nancy, France
Service de Biophysique Médicale, CHU, Caen, France
Service de Radiologie, HEGP, Paris, France
2. The body of the abstract should be limited to 400 words (not including references and figure captions) and must be organized into the following four sections: Rationale and Objectives, Methods and Materials, Results, and Conclusion.
3. Scientific (generic) names of drugs must be used when first cited, followed by proprietary name, and manufacturer in parentheses. When germane to the study, equipment should be identified by generic name, followed by trade name and manufacturer in parentheses.
4. A maximum of 5 citations may be included with the abstract if the authors choose so. References must be numbered consecutively in the order they appear in the text. Authors should recognize that citations will be included in the abstract book circulated at the CMR 2024 meeting but may not be included in the final published version.
Citations should conform to the following style:
Journal reference:
Tung GA, Vaccaro JP, Cronan JJ, Rogg JM. Cavernous hemangioma of the liver: pathologic correlation with high-field MR imaging. AJR 1994; 162; 1113-1117.
Book reference:
Healton EB, Fibromuscular dysplasia. In: Barnett HJM, Stein BM, Mohr JP, Yatsu FM, Eds. Stroke: pathophysiology, diagnosis, and management, New York, NY: Churchill Livingstone, 1986; 201-233.
5. One figure may be included with the abstract if the authors choose so. The figure should be provided as a separate clearly labeled TIFF, JPG, PNG, or EPS file not to exceed 2MB in size. A brief figure caption should be included at the bottom of the abstract immediately following citations (if any).
6. All authors must disclose any direct or indirect financial interest in the products under investigation or subject matter discussed in the manuscript. A separate statement must be submitted that details this proprietary interest. By submitting the abstract, the authors grant permission to publish this information or an appropriate summary thereof with the abstract.
Publication of Abstracts
Investigative Radiology, Academic Radiology, and CMMI have each published abstracts from various CMR meetings.