In Memory of Sanjiv (Sam) Gambhir, MD, PhD

In Memory of Sam Gambhir

Dear Molecular Imaging Community,

We are deeply saddened by the loss of our friend, our colleague, our mentor, and visionary leader, Sanjiv Sam Gambhir M.D. Ph.D.

His legacy and influence on the WMIS date back to the birth of the Society when molecular imaging was in its infancy. He spearheaded and led the evolution of molecular imaging, the field he loved dearly, making major contributions to imaging reporter genes, preclinical PET imaging, multimodality probes, and early research on sensing focused ex vivo detection. He recently served on the Board of Trustees as President-Elect, President, and Immediate Past President of WMIS from 2016 – 2018. He was a passionate guide to so many of us, from first-year undergraduate students to the leaders of our field.

As a Fellow of our society, he was instrumental in helping us navigate the strategic decisions that we face in the 21st century. He challenged all of us to innovate, envision, and dream where the field of molecular imaging is heading. His vision focused on a time when our health could be continuously monitored – he termed this Precision Health.

We thank Stanford University School of Medicine for Celebrating Excellence and sharing this video for Dr. Gambhir’s Dean’s Medal ceremony.

If so inclined, in lieu of flowers please consider donating to Dr. Gambhir’s foundations:

* Canary Center for Early Detection (

* PHIND Center (

* Ben & Catherine Ivy Foundation (

He will be greatly missed by the molecular imaging community. Our thoughts and sympathy go out to his wife Aruna and his family.