WMIC Program Committee Roles

Program Committee Responsibilities

  • Responsible for creating the WMIC Annual Program
  • Responsible for finding subcategory chairs for their assigned category.
  • Responsible for helping to recruit reviewers for their assigned category.
  • Responsible for reviewing and selecting all scientific papers proffered for the WMIS annual meeting within budgetary and space limitations.
  • Responsible for recategorizing abstracts as needed.
  • Responsible for creating scientific sessions for each member’s assigned category.  Within these, members will consider the recommendations from the Category Chairs. PC members will group abstracts into thematic sessions (orals vs posters; no more than 2 orals/session from a single institution) with recommended titles provided for the Program Chair/Co-Chair to review.  This construction will occur during 1 -2 dedicated half-day sessions.
  • Work with Program Chairs to reallocate oral presentations into different sessions if required.
  • Work with the Program Chairs to select high-quality plenary speakers.
  • Design high-quality spotlight sessions and work with Education and Interest groups in the design of the education and workshop sessions.

Additional Roles:

 Program Chairs
  • Select the PC
  • Responsible for meeting agenda
  • Responsible for the development of the annual scientific program
Category Chairs
  • Choose and manage Subcategory Chairs.
  • Help recruit reviewers for their assigned category.
  • Briefly review abstracts in their assigned category to check for recategorization and sign off on abstract recategorization as suggested by Subcategory Chairs. If an abstract is reassigned to their category, the chair assigns the abstract to a subcategory.
  • Monitor the review process and make sure the process is completed within the allocated time frame. This may include completing unfinished reviews in their assigned subcategory. 
  • Based on feedback from the sub category Chair – let Program Chairs know where content is missing and help recruit abstracts if content is missing.
  • Review the scores across the whole category — normalize abstract “quality” between subcategories if required. Determine cut off for orals vs posters across the category and forward a prioritized list to the Program Committee for review.
  • Put together scientific sessions for their assigned subcategory using the abstracts submitted and assigned to oral presentations. This includes choosing titles and moderators for the sessions as well as being prepared to replace oral presenters who cannot make the meeting.
Subcategory Chairs (may or may not be on the PC)
  • Alert Category Chair of any anomalies in the review process or if they notice any abstracts in the wrong category.
  • Recruit new reviewers. Inform the WMIS office of reviewers who need to be contacted with the reviewer form.
  • Vet new reviewers. If reviewers are not qualified, inform the Category Chairs and the WMIS office to remove these reviewers from the database.
  • Review numeric scores from the reviewers and suggest quality cut-offs based on scores for review by the Category Chairs.
  • Give a numeric score based on consistent criteria provided by WMIS in a timely manner.
  • Alert Ashley Wren if an abstract appears to be in the wrong category.