Imaging Is Like a Box of Chocolates: Diverse Chemistries Across the Electromagnetic Spectrum

Categories: Materials, New Chemistry
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Manganese-based Type I Collagen-targeting MRI probe for in vivo imaging of liver fibrosis

A new B-galactosidase responsive Gd-chelate for MRI of osteoarthritis.

Activatable MPI Nanoprobe as Molecular Sensing Platforms for Biological Targets

Physicochemical insights explain how Superferromagnetic MPI tracers can improve linear spatial resolution in MPI by up to 30-fold

Composite Spin-probes with Adjustable Oxygen Sensivity for EPR Oxygen Imaging

A Metamaterial for Enhanced Multimodal Phantom/Animal Cerenkov Luminescence Imaging

Tailored Surface Decoration of Autophagy Detecting Nanoparticle with Dual Fluorochromes Enables Assessment of Autophagosome Location and Flux