WMIC Presentations

Members of WMIS may sign in below for online access to the recorded presentations from WMIC 2015 in Honolulu, Hawaii and WMIC 2016 in New York. Use your email address and your WMIS membership password from 123SignUp. If you have forgotten your password you can reset your password here.

After veryfing your membership below, you will be directed to a web site containing the presentations. Just “Sign In” by creating a new user name and password for this site, which is free of charge.



If you are a member and would like to update your profile and password click the “Members Update” button. 

Home Widget 3

This is your third home widget box. To edit please go to Appearance > Widgets and choose 8th widget from the top in area 8 called Home Widget 3. Title is also manageable from widgets as well.