Commercial Innovation of the Year

The World Molecular Imaging Congress 2019 will highlight the best new technologies in the industry. Take this opportunity to present your innovation to prospective customers by submitting an Exhibitor Abstract in one of two categories, technology or probes.


  • The deadline to submit your abstract is August 10, 2019. Abstract submission opens Friday, November 30, 2018.
  • Exhibitor abstract submission is limited to those companies exhibiting at WMIC 2019
  • Abstracts must be based upon the scientific merit of the technology*
  • Abstracts will be published in meeting materials and on the WMIS webpage**
  • Exhibitor abstracts will be screened and prioritized by the WMIS Board of Trustees
  • Semi-finalists for the new Commercial Innovation of the Year will be selected for special presentation at the WMIC meeting
  • Following oral presentations by the semi-finalists, WMIC attendees will vote for Commercial Innovation of the Year
  • Honorable mention will also be named

*Submissions that are not ‘data driven’ or could be considered commercial ‘advertisement’ will be triaged. If you are considering a submission and have questions, please feel free to contact Andrea Diaz at
**Please do not include confidential information or trade secrets that you are unwilling to publish and/or present.

General Recommendations for Submitting a Successful Abstract

Starting the Process
Please plan to start early when writing and submitting abstracts.

  • Start early by gathering current information about authors and affiliations. You may also return to the submission site at a later date to upload your final documents or make any changes.
  • Starting the writing process early provides time for review by your colleagues and co-authors, which can substantially improve the quality of an abstract.


Submit your title in mixed case and sentence format. How you choose to enter your information is how it will appear to the public if your abstract is selected. Your title should include specific information about the technology. Abstract reviewers often suggest preferences for abstracts to review based on the abstract titles. Therefore, it is in your best interest to provide specific information in your title to match the best reviewers for your abstract.

Main Text

  • The abstract should clearly indicate the hypothesis or design objective of the study.
  • Abstracts should directly describe the innovation of the study.
  • Abstracts should clearly indicate the impact for current or future applications.
  • Results should be substantive and not just implied. Validation studies should be included when available.
  • Studies that are completed are often ranked higher than studies that are still in progress. Therefore, focus on accomplished studies rather than future studies.
  • To encourage a blinded review in which reviewers are not aware of the identity of the abstract authors, please use a passive voice when listing information that will be referenced. For example, “We used our technique…[1]” should be rephrased as “A technique was used…[1]”.

Character Limit

There is a limit of 3200 characters, for the text of your submission. The character count includes spaces. You will be advised of your character count usage throughout the submission process as you save and move to the next step. One image with a description is permitted per submission, and the description will not count against your character total.

Abstract Limit

There are no restrictions on the number of submissions you may submit or on the number of submissions you may present. However, the WMIC will screen for and remove duplicate abstract submissions from review.


References to published literature are expected. The reference format can be truncated to save page space if needed, but the truncated format should provide sufficient information for locating the publication. A reference to work that has not yet been accepted for publication is not allowed.

Uploading Documents

When uploading documents during the submission process, the title of the document can be viewed by reviewers, and therefore should not include information that would identify the authors of the abstract. For example, a document called “John Smith Supplementary Data” should be uploaded as “Supplementary Data for Abstract XYZ.”

Final Tasks

Before submitting, review your full abstract for spelling, typos, and omitted information, and check the spelling of all author names and affiliations. How you choose to enter your information is how it will appear to the public if your abstract is selected. Please submit your personal financial disclosure in a timely manner. It is the submitting author’s responsibility to remind all co-authors that they need to submit their financial disclosures; an email is auto-generated to all co-authors after abstract has been successfully submitted. The link to the Abstract Submission site will be available soon- please check back for updates.

If you have specific questions regarding the submission criteria or questions about the meeting, please contact Andrea Diaz at

Past Winners Include:

2015 – MILabs
2016 – FUJIFILM VisualSonics
2017 – SOFIE Biosciences
2018 – MILabs

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