Reviewers and Moderators

If you submitted an application to be a Reviewer or Session Moderator and are selected, you will be sent an email with further instructions. The following are responsibilities for each volunteer position.

Reviewers must be available via internet during the reviewing window to review assigned abstracts in their area of expertise. Each Reviewer will have between 1-25 abstracts to review during a 2 week period.

Session Moderator
Session Moderators must be available during September 2-5, 2015 at the Annual Meeting in Honolulu, Hawaii. Session Moderators will be paired to sessions according to their areas of expertise. Duties during the sessions include keeping time to ensure all speakers run on schedule, moderating questions from the audience, and assisting speakers as needed.

Home Widget 3

This is your third home widget box. To edit please go to Appearance > Widgets and choose 8th widget from the top in area 8 called Home Widget 3. Title is also manageable from widgets as well.